Have you ever visited a website only to see a scary red warning sign saying hackers might be trying to steal your information? You’re not alone and, like others, you probably shut down that webpage faster than you can say ‘hacker.’

Cyber security threats and network security threats are becoming more concerning for businesses. Small businesses are a frequent target of cybercriminals because security can be breached easily in comparison to their bigger counterparts.

It’s why small businesses need to implement cyber security measures and ensure cyber security training is tight for their employees to not only secure their business but also to develop better consumer confidence. Choose to implement cyber security systems, and you will introduce trust, keep client, customer and confidential information safe, and keep your reputation in the clear!

What is cyber security?

Cyber security is a framework – which includes firewalls, software, and procedures– that is put in place by the user to ensure the protection of a network, computer, or database from cyber attacks. The integrity, confidentiality and safety of data and systems can be compromised without the constant monitoring and response to cyber attacks.

What makes small businesses vulnerable? It could be due to inadequate security protocols, loopholes in the system, or worse, having no systems at all. Valuable data at stake could include business plans, confidential data, and customer information that, by law and for reasons of competitiveness, need to be kept private. Attacks on the accessibility of the network may also affect a small business’ cyber security.

The attack on small business cyber security can be in the form of viruses, worms, and spyware. Recently, ransomware and socially engineered attacks have proven particularly effective too. Small businesses need to use strong passwords, encrypt their data and communication, and install firewalls and antivirus software to ensure the security of their companies.

Cybersecurity trends in 2020

AI to Attack

Cyber attacks are growing more sophisticated by the day, but they’ll be working overtime in 2020 as AI capabilities are increasingly leveraged. Automated systems can be used to probe for vulnerabilities while phishing and data fraud attacks can be sculpted to be more human-like to confuse existing systems.

AI to Protect

To fight fire with fire come 2020, Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence will be leveraged to protect small businesses from cyber attacks. This is because AI is increasingly performing jobs that require human intelligence, only more accurately and at a faster rates. AI-based security systems can give small businesses the capability to adapt their security, respond proactively to threats, stop intrusion in its tracks and prevent future attacks based on past patterns– all through algorithms.

Scalable Cloud Security Systems

Cloud-based security appeals to many small businesses, not least because it is easy to scale as the business grows. Cloud based security systems are also flexible and can be linked to existing systems with APIs. Cloud security systems allow better control and storage of data and keep the reins of control strictly in a few hands. They are also cost-effective, allowing you to purchase security and backup solutions as your need increases – reducing your IT costs!

Intelligence-driven Security

For a small business agility is essential to keeping up with increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks. Gathering intelligence allows small businesses to respond faster and more efficiently to attacks. It also helps pre-empt possible attacks and strengthen security systems. The key here is being proactive, not reactive, and being dynamic while you’re at it.

The final word

Cyber security measures by small businesses are essential to secure them from any such attacks or threats and to maintain financial integrity, customer trust, privacy, data confidentiality, and employee integrity. If you are looking to meet your cyber security needs in Toronto, keep your IT service Toronto-based for solutions that fit your needs, and respond much more actively to on-site and remote security alerts.

If you are a small business with an online presence, strengthen your cyber security solutions keeping these trends in mind to be on your toes at all times. Speak to Technical Action Group about our flexible cyber security plans.