We visit tens of websites a day be it for casual browsing, research, online payments, and shopping, or just conducting day-to-day business from a work-from-home setup. Businesses and website owners should ensure that their website is safe for use. However, not all websites take care and are at times set up for malicious intents. They could wipe out your data, steal sensitive information or spread malware in your phones and laptops. This makes cybersecurity education the need of the hour and at TAG we’re proud that we take the right steps to ensure networks are safe and secure through our cybersecurity services and awareness training.

These Signs Will Determine the Safety of a Website:

Misspelled URLs

Misspelled or deceptive URLs are one of the easiest ways for cybercriminals to attract and trick people into visiting harmful or malicious websites. This is also known as a homoglyph attack as the resulting URL is very similar to the authentic website with some indiscernible alteration done to the URL making it hard to catch. Even the landing page of such a website looks very similar to the original website.

Google now owns both “google.com” and “gogle.com” domains so as to safeguard users from being redirected to malicious websites.

Malicious Websites

There are various tools and kits you can invest in to check if the website you’re visiting is suspicious or malicious. You can also perform a ‘whois’ query to see who owns the domain along with how recently the domain name was listed. If the domain registration is fairly new, chances are that the website is malicious.

At TAG we provide end-to-end anti-malware and anti-spyware services to ensure your business is protected and cannot be harmed by malicious websites. We also ensure the software is maintained with up-to-date fixes from the application provider, and that that the licenses are renewed on a timely basis, ensuring you are never left unprotected.

Check the Privacy Policy

If you’re unsure about the safety of a website, always check for its Privacy Policy. Per data protection law, website owners are required to explain how they are handling a user’s data. If the Privacy Protection does not seem satisfactory or is missing entirely, it could be a red flag regarding how safe the website is.


HTTPS URLs ensure that the data between the website and the user is end to end encrypted. HTTPS is used in banking websites, online payment websites, and portals as well as shopping websites. Although it is now easier for cybercriminals to obtain an SSL certificate, it is advised to look out for suspicious activity on the landing page. This includes the advertisements, pop-ups, and overall look and feel of the website.

Opt-in for a Security Solution

Opting for good security solutions such as the right security software can go a long way in safeguarding you from malicious attacks. This can save your system from being hacked for banking details, passwords, and sensitive data. You can always call Technical Action Group to provide you with IT Security Services to ensure you have the right protection in place.

Call Technical Action Group at 416-489-6312 to help us make your systems and servers secure and keep you protected from any form of a data breach.